
A U .S . federal judgeonFridayapprovedanestim ated $5.7billionclass actionsettle-m ent betw een m erchantsand V isaInc. andM asterC ardInc. over credit cardfeesdespiteobjectionsfrom thousandsof retailersw hocom plainedit w as inadequate.


The agreem ent—billed as the largest settlem entof anantitrust case—w as reachedin2012to endyears of litigation against paym ents networks V isa andM asterCard as w ell as several banks that issue theircredit cards.M erchants and their trade groups sued thecom panies in 2005,alleging they conspired to set so-called interchange fees at unfairly high levels.


T hesettlem ent provides for cashpaym entstom erchantsnationw ideandletsthem beginchargingcustom ers anextrafeew hentheyuseV isa or M asterCardcredit cards.


For the credit cardcom panies,the approvalof thesettlem ent w ill allow them tocast asideatrem endouslegal headache. Y etitisnotenoughtoquell the anger of retailers,w hosaytheagreem ent does not prevent thecredit cardgiants from im posinghigher fees w ithim punity.


M erchants have arguedthat theyhave lim -itedpow er tonegotiate the am ount of the fees,w hichcost them andtheir custom ers about $30billiona year,accordingtothe N ational R e-tail Federation. T heyhavealsoaccusedcreditcardcom panies of barringthem from steeringshoppers tocheaper form s of paym ent.


U nder certaincircum stances,the settlem entallow s m erchants tochargecustom ers extraiftheyuseV isaor M asterC ardcredit cards. ButC ritics ofthe dealpointoutthatthoseopportunities areextrem elylim ited,andcertainstates prohibit suchsurcharging. T he critics alsosaythat m erchants areunlikelytotakeadvan-tage ofsurcharging forfearofupsettingconsum ers or losingthem tocom petitors that donot im pose a surcharge.


U.S . D istrictJudge John G leeson ofB rooklyn,N ew Y ork,dism issed som eof theobjectionsm adebym erchantsopposedtothedeal as hyperbole.


T hetradegroupisconsideringappealingand h as th e backing ofseveralretailorganizations,includingtheN ational A ssoci-ationof Convenience Stores andN ational Com -m unityPharm acists A ssociation,that saythedeal w ill notchangethefighting betw eenm erchants andcardcom panies.


In July 2012,attorneysrepresentingm erchantsnationw idereacheda $7.2billionsettlem entthathassincetum bled to $5 .7billionas 8,000m erchants,includingA m a-zon andWal-M art,bow edout of thedeal.T hosedissenters saythedeal forces m erchantsthat accept V isaor M asterC ardtow aivetheirright tosue the com panies over sw ipe fees.


M anyretailers w hooptedout of theset-tlem ent have filedtheir ow nlaw suits.
