First international AIVON conference May 2009

The first international conference to be held by the Association for Natural Holistic Vision (AIVON) will take place at the Hotel Petrarca Terme, Montegrotto Terme (Padua) May 23 through 24.

The purpose of the Association is to encourage the spread, research into and use of the mental and physical resources we all have with special attention to sight as a sense, the awareness of the relationship that connects sight, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

In line with this mission, the speakers at the conference will illustrate and demonstrate the effectiveness of synergies by various professional figures, which guarantee complete treatment aimed at visual and psycho-physical wellbeing.

Specialists, oculists, dentists, psychologists, optometrists , orthoptists and speech therapists will lead participants through theoretical presentations (PNEI – Psychoneuroendocrine Immunology - posturology, ocular psychosomatics, etc.) on the first day, and practical demonstrations of the various techniques (sight education, behavioral optometry, music and imaginative therapy, etc.) at two specific workshops on the second day.

In particular, one of the speakers, Dr Ilse Strempel (Marburg - Germany), ophthalmologist and vice director of the University Clinic of Marburg, will give a lesson about “Stress - eye-diseases – relaxation methods”

The courses at the conference are CME accredited through Eidon, the Training and Study Centre of the Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto.